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PGA Professionals I Worked With

 December 2014 - May 2015​

November 2015 - May 2016

November 2016 - May 2017

November 2017 - May 2018

November 2018 - May 2019

Director of Golf

Scott Kirkwood


Head Golf Professionals

Barry Partelow

Michael Leone

Teaching Professionals

Derek Swoboda

Brian Varsey

Dave Vihlen

Jennifer Hudson

Natalie Cruse

Stacy Harrower

Assistant Golf Professionals

Evan Jones

Ben Claus

Zach Swisher

Patrick Saunders

Denis Moleres

Josh Jenkins

Garrett Rodgers

Dillon Reynolds

Grant Strawoet

Isaac Bickel

Kelly Violette

Eric Smith

Josh Upson

Jared Davies

Jason Loomis

Mitch Steelman

Chris Cerven

Tim Friedrich

Ryan McLean

Steve Wolf

Card Sound Golf Club Professionals

David Sandberg

Bob Lies

Shane Swick

Jack Sheehan

Ben Olson

Kyle Johnston

Luke Williams

Jason Miller

My experience at Ocean Reef Club was nothing short from great. I not only learned from all the PGA Professionals around me over the years, but the network I was able to develop is something I could not have done at any other facility. With nearly 5,000 members, this active club is a place I am proud to have worked and it will remain as one of my favorites. A 36 hole facility producing over 30,000 rounds from November through April gives you an idea of how busy this place is.

I have gained invaluable experience in all areas of the operation during my time at Ocean Reef Club and this has allowed me to grow as a Golf Professional. I started my stint with Ocean Reef Club as an Outside Service Representative, but was promoted into an inside salary Assistant Golf Professional after my first season with the club. Each year I worked at Ocean Reef Club I acquired more responsibility, eventually running the Men's Golf Association and other major events.

I have to thank Scott Kirkwood for grooming me into the Golf Professional I am today. His guidance over the years is something I will continuously refer back to and reminisce on. I value his professionalism and friendship and I hope to one day have the chance to work with him again.


The 2015-2016 season was my second season with the club and I was responsible for the organization of golf for conference groups.  Conference groups were a big revenue generator not only for golf but for the club as a whole. Members would sponsor groups to come to Ocean Reef Club in all different capacities.


Over the 2015-2016 season we had 120 different conference groups come through Ocean Reef Club, which accounted for approximately 1,500 rounds and generated close to $400,000 in greens fee revenue for the operation. 

Some of my responsibilities included running tournaments for larger groups, reserving time in the tee sheet for groups, reaching out to the conference group contact to gather details, charging groups specific rates based on their size, and constant communication with our Conference Services Department on logistics and other details. 


I am going to provide an example of how I administered my largest group of the season. 


Communication with this group started a few months prior to their arrival. First, I was introduced to the group contact by Conference Services. From here we discussed prices and the number of players they wanted to reserve the tee sheet for. We ended up setting up the tee sheet for 100 players with the shotgun on the Hammock Course in the afternoon. After the preliminary communication with the group we started organizing details for Conference Services who then made a resume for the group.


Making sure the resume details were in line with the preliminary communication I then moved into the next step. The next step was to gather details of player names, handicaps, rental club needs and pairings. Through communication with the group contact I was able to attain this information. Knowing that the group needed 52 rental sets and we only had a fleet of 50 rental sets I had to get creative. With help from Scott, Barry and other old sets, I was able to have 60 rental sets ready to go in case we had a few additions. This was important because while we were setting up for this large group, the Dolphin Course had member play and some member's guests needed rental sets as well. Also, during this step I offered potential tee gifts and prizes to the group contact through our Golf Shop.


Now with the group's arrival in sight it was time to use Event-Man Tournament Software to make scorecards, cart signs, alpha sheets, format sheets, an announcement sheet and tee gift documentation. A few days prior to the event, all departments that were involved with this group had a pre-conference meeting to dial in exact details. These meetings were very important as it was the first time I met face to face with the group contact and we were able to gather all the details and expectations for the group.

Now, the day of the event. Communication with Food & Beverage and our Outside Operation Staff was crucial. Setup of the golf cart staging area and boxed lunches needed to be ready prior to participant arrival.


Now that we gathered all the players to their carts, I provided announcements and sent the group on their way. My job was far from over. While the players were playing I had to charge the group respective rates and service fees, ranger the course and delegate tasks for when the group finished.  


Now the players started finishing so we needed all hands on deck. 50 golf carts coming off the course at once was a lot to manage. I collected scorecards and helped the Outside Operation Staff provide a positive lasting impression. Another form of logistics I needed to set up was getting all 100 golfers back to the inn. This required me to communicate with Bell Stand to have multiple vans ready to pick up the players as they were finishing. Once all the players were in and I had all the scorecards I made a results sheet for the group contact and emailed it their way so that they can announce and hand out awards at their dinner.

Once all these tasks were completed we needed to audit the group for broken rental clubs, missing clubs and reorganizing the other sets. Having the rental set numbers on the alpha sheet allowed our Outside Service Manager to include the names of two individuals who broke clubs. This was very important as I needed all this information when I reached out to the group contact the next day to explain their responsibility in the rental sets. 

This event was extremely beneficial to my career because it improved many skills that are needed to run successful golf tournaments. Some of these skills include delegating, time management, organization, and overall tournament administration.





The Men's Golf Association was arguably the most valuable experience I have had in my career thus far. With over 280 members, the Men's Golf Association is affiliated with all men's tournament golf at Ocean Reef Club.

After running the MGA for three seasons, the skills I have been able to acquire are indescribable. There was a lot that goes into running the MGA, but below I will provide a snapshot for the things I was involved with.


In my first year coordinating the MGA, we incorporated an annual fee that each member of the association was responsible for paying. This eliminated any non-serious members to drop out. With around 200 members my first season, we were working with a large budget. We used this revenue for better tee gifts and awards, free clinics for MGA members and much more. Below you will see the budget I made to organize all revenues and expenses.


The MGA roster was very important to stay on top of. The roster includes emails, phone numbers and names of all members of the association. I sent on average three emails to the association every week reminding them of upcoming events, results and pairings. Also, view the MGA Annual Rounds & Members Statistics Comparison document below to see how participation over the years has increased.


There was a lot that went into each weekly event. See the checklist below that I used week to week to ensure I completed all necessary tasks. Also below is a slide show of the scoreboards I personally created using Microsoft Office.


The Old Buddy is the biggest event of the year in the MGA. It is Ocean Reef Club's men's member-member. We typically had a field of approximately 100 members. Two man teams were flighted and played five 9-hole matches over three days. There was a lot that went into this event. 

A preliminary task that was important was the tee gift and award selection. This had to take place weeks prior to the event to ensure it arrived on time. For the 2018 Old Buddy I had the idea of custom Smathers & Branson belts as the tee gift. With a lead time of 6 to 8 weeks I had to get the ball rolling. Below you will see a size run and proofs for the tee gift. Another important part of the process was getting the MGA Committee to approve the tee gift. 

As signups rolled in and we approached the deadline for the event, we began to work on scoreboard documents, pairings, and Event-Man setup. See below for a picture of the scoreboards from 2018 and 2019.

There are so many things that go into running a successful event of this caliber. Some other tasks I had to organize included working closely with the Food & Beverage Department on menus, times and locations. Also, we had to monitor pace of play, create a budget to show the committee and run the event start to finish. Below you will see some documentation that I was responsible for.

As everything fell into place, we came to the shootout. The shootout required a lot of teamwork and organization. See below for a slideshow of pictures from the shootout.

Wrapping up the Old Buddy required a few things. Finalizing budgets by retrieving invoices for tee gifts, awards and credits and writing up a results email. The results email was extremely important because it was sent to over 280 members of the association and the Reef Press. The Reef Press is the Ocean Reef Club's newspaper that all members see every Thursday.

2017, 2018, 2019


Another major responsibility of mine was the administration of the Member-Professional during my 3rd, 4th and 5th season. There is a lot that goes into this particular event. Below you will see the documentation that went along with the tournament.

Ocean Reef Club

36-Hole Private Facility


  • PGA Assistant Golf Professional
  • Outside Services


The PGA of America awarded Ocean Reef Club as the 2019 National Private Club Merchandiser of the Year

Not only was I heavily involved with the tournament operation, but the day-to-day Golf Shop tasks was where I spent the rest of my time. This highly acclaimed Golf Shop required high attention to detail and with how much traffic went through it we needed to be on top of keeping it in pristine condition.

Hurricane Irma hit down on the Florida Keys in 2017. This posed quite a challenge for Ocean Reef Club. A few things it affected on the golf side of things was the Golf Shop. Losing our entire inventory we needed to put together our Golf Shop prior to the 2017-2018 golf season. Below you will see some pictures of the Golf Shop.


Some other events that I was responsible for included Men's Interclubs once a month, Burgee Cup and Chairman's Cup. See below for some documentation on these events related to the MGA.

Visage GPS

Hurricane Irma was a blessing in disguise for the Golf Shop. We were able to get rid of all old inventory and start from scratch by reorganizing it all. It was a lot of work, but in the long run it was beneficial to our success.

Not only did we lose our inventory in the Golf Shop, but our entire golf cart fleet was also damaged. This required us to bring in a new fleet. In the new fleet we were able to take advantage of putting Visage GPS on all the carts. With prior experience with this software at Roaring Fork Club I had a large role in setting up the entire Visage GPS System for Ocean Reef Club. This created a new service for our membership.

Card Sound Golf Club

Card Sound Golf Club is the third 18 hole golf course at Ocean Reef Club. This private club within the gates is unique and unlike any other club. There were a few tournaments that I coordinated or was involved with that used their golf course. Those are below.

  • Ocean Reef Club Invitational

  • Member-Professional

  • MGA Interclub: Ocean Reef Club vs. Card Sound Golf Club

  • Triple Golf Classic


In order to not be stagnant, us as a club needed to add new tournaments to the schedule to make the member's experience even better. New to the MGA during my stint at Ocean Reef Club are below.


Anchor Cup - Founded in the 2017-2018 season

MGA Four-Ball - Founded in the 2018-2019 season

These events were well received and it was a great experience for me to facilitate them as I had no records or anything to go off, completely creating events from scratch. Below you will find some documentation that went into these highly successful events that will be on the tournament schedule at Ocean Reef Club for years to come.

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